Welcome to Nursery...

Croeso i Meithrin...

Class Teachers

Mrs Griffiths
Mrs L. Thomas (HLTA)

Teaching Assistants

Mrs C. Baldwin

Miss N. Bentley

Our topic this term is

Where do I belong?

Where do I belong a look at our learning


Please wear comfy footwear and clothes to school. As part of personal development, we sometimes encourage the children to change into a PE kit.

Learning can be thirsty work...

Please bring to school a labelled sports bottle filled with water and a healthy snack.

Please label all items brought to school.

Outdoor Learning

This year outdoor learning will feature heavily throughout the curriculum and pupils will be learning outside on a daily basis. As the weather can be very unpredictable we ask that all children wear appropriate clothing including a  waterproof coat daily. 

We ask that all children have a pair of wellies that can be kept at school for our 'in the moment' experiences.

Timetable of additional activities with links to support home learning

Timetable of activities