

Welcome to Reception

Croeso i Derbyn

 Mrs Niblett 


Mrs Mullett

Class teacher

Miss Price


Miss Roberts

One to One Support

Miss Hankiewicz

One to One Support

Miss Phillips

One to One Support


Autumn Term 2024

Belief; Should we all believe the same thing?

Reception A look at our learning - Autumn 2024.docx

Important Information

FP Meet and greet with parents 2024 to 2025 PS1 SKILLS.pptx


please wear comfortable school uniform e.g. joggers or leggings and a school t-shirt. 

Homework is given out on a Friday and expected back in the following Thursday. 

All children have been allocated a reading book. Please ensure their reading book and reading record is returned on the day specified on the sticker at the front of the reading record.

Outdoor learning

This year outdoor learning will feature heavily throughout the curriculum and pupils will be learning outside on a daily basis. As the weather can be very unpredictable we ask that all children wear appropriate clothing including a  waterproof coat daily. If an activity is planned where pupils will need to bring Wellies a message will be sent out via Seesaw.

Supporting Literacy and Numeracy

Writing at home.pdf
Activities to support blending- Google Docs.pdf
Supporting Maths at home.pdf

Click on the links below to find useful websites and games you can use at home.

Oxford Owl


Top Marks 


BBC Bitesize





Click on the image to find worksheets to support maths and literacy.


Click on the dragon to listen to the welsh phrases we will be learning this year. Can you practice them at home? 

Home learning 

Please find below a list of tasks to complete when working from home.

At Home Tasks

Timetable of additional activities with links to support home learning

Timetable of activities