Our Autumn term concept is 'Change'; Is change always a good thing? Here is an overview so parents/carers can see some ideas of what we plan to cover, but this could change due to the children co-constructing the learning journey. Click on the link below

Year 1 A look at our learning - Autumn 2024


We do PE on Wednesday

Children come dressed in PE clothing

Reading days 

Reading comments will be shared in your child's reading diary. You will be informed of the day that your child can change their individual home/ school reading book on a small note inside of their reading diary.

Aim to read at home every day!


We visit the library on Friday.  This will resume this term.


Homework is set on Seesaw on a Friday and can be submitted before the following Thursday. 

Useful Websites and Activities

www.sumdog.co.uk         www.skoolbo.co.uk         www.activelearnprimary.co.uk             www.purplemash.co.uk

Punctuation - Capital letters and full stops 

Kung-Fu Sentences

Alien Punctuation

Roy the Zebra Capital letters and Full stops