If any parents/carers have any relevant skills that they could offer to enhance our termly theme, we would be very grateful.
Thank you!
Email : warrenc2@hwbcymru.net
Language Activities
Llyfrau Cymraeg
Welsh Activities
Art Activities
Science and Technology Activities
Our Concept this term is, "Care."
Our main theme for the Term will be “Care.” This topic is closely linked to the study of the Science and Technology and Wellbeing areas of learning.
Click on the link below to discover more!
We have PE on a Thursday.
Children should come dressed in PE clothing.
Reading days
Please note reading day on reading bookmarks, this is when your child's book will be changed.
Aim to read at home every day!
We visit the library on Wednesday. This will restart this term.
Homework is set on Seesaw on a Friday and needs to be submitted by Wednesday of the following week.