Class Teacher - N Hagerty
Croeso i Blwyddyn 4
Important websites
Seren yr wythnos- Star of the week
for excellent work and being a good role model
This term's topic
Our concept this term is'Responsibility' and we will be looking at the question 'How can taking responsibility for our actions make the world a better place for everyone?' Take a glance at the 'Look at Our Learning' below to see what we will be covering in the AoLEs

Gwaith cartref- homework
Homework in Year 4 is set in books or Google Classroom every Friday. It is then expected to be handed in no later than the following Wednesday. There will be a variety of homework which will differ from week to week. I will be sending home individual reading books and also spellings weekly.
Useful information
Please ensure your child has a P.E kit (ie suitable tshirt and joggers/ shorts in the warmer weather, suitable footwear for exercising). Our PE session is on a Tuesday/Thursday. Due to current circumstances, we will not be changing in school, your child will need to come to school dressed in their PE kit.
Your child will read with an adult every week through Guided reading sessions. They will read with an adult twice a week and then will have daily reading activities.
Individual reading books will be changed as and when required. We will ensure that we listen to e
Learning at home
To support your child at home, please ensure that you read regularly with them. The document above will give you useful tips to help you get the best out of reading with your child.
Our class EPIC code is RMH-6653

Times tables
Times tables are fundamental for learning different aspects of mathematics such as division, algebra, long multiplication, fractions, decimals and percentages. For students that don't have a solid grasp of the times tables, they may find these other areas to be hard to understand as well. Please encourage your child to learn times tables at home.