ALN and Inclusion
ALN Clinics with the school's Educational Psychologist and a member of the school wellbeing team well be held at the school this autumn term due to the positive uptake last academic year.
A Google form will be sent out shortly if this is of interest to you.
Additional Learning Needs
The Welsh Government has changed the way that children with special educational needs (SEN) will be supported. The new system defines SEN as Additional Learning Needs (ALN). The law is changing for several reasons : the main one is to make the process simpler and more transparent for all involved (see below for more details)
Since 2022 for those pupils on the ALN register there will be a Person Centered review followed by an Individual Development plan (IDP) being written in consultation with school staff, parents and the child. Miss Long is our ALNCO within school and she will continue to lead the changes and ALN at Heolgerrig.
To keep you up to date, please see a range of documents below including:
An ALN Parent Guide - this outlines the key changes (Welsh).
A whiteboard animation showing parent/carer guide to ALN support.
An animation video giving information supporting children and young people of the role of SENTW (Special Educational Needs Tribunal for Wales)
Parents / Carers, as part of our Phase A involvement, the ‘EPS Support Line’ will be running fort-nightly. This offers pre-school staff, school staff, parents/carers and professionals the opportunity to discuss any concerns they may have regarding the wellbeing and/or learning needs of children and young people.

Person Centred Practices (PCP)
At Heolgerrig Community Primary we aim to be person centred in the way we think and teach. We believe that each child is an individual and that learning should be personalised. We use a range of person centred thinking tools during circle time and wellbeing sessions. These tools help staff get to know the children on a deeper level and understand their needs.
PCP Tools includes;
Relationship circle
What's working/not working
Good day/bad day
4 plus 1 question
Using these tools helps form a One Page Profile.
One Page Profiles.
A One Page Profile captures all the important information about a person on a single sheet of paper under three simple headings:
-what people like/appreciate about me,
-what’s important to me
-how best to support me.
Interventions and support for pupils:
We have many types of interventions to support children's needs. Some of these include:
ELSA-for groups or individuals
Lego therapy
Read, Write, Inc.
Wellcomm (Speech and language)
Language and Numeracy support.
Outside Support agencies/useful websites
Positive Parenting :
Multi agency support for parents- Early Help Hub:
ASD in Wales :
Neurodevelopmental Team :
The Exchange counselling service: