

safeguarding poster updated Sep 24 web.pdf

The school has a Policy for Child Protection which lays out the procedures all school staff and volunteers must follow. The Headteacher is responsible for reporting to Social Services any concerns that are deemed to be of a child protection nature.

All staff have appropriate training in Child Protection and Safeguarding on a rolling programme. The Headteacher (Mrs. Morris), the deputy (Mr. Hagerty), Miss. Long, Mrs Lloyd and Miss Williams are the designated child protection officers for the school.


In cases where a child or children are considered to be in need of support then the consent of the parent/carer will always be sought.

In cases of child protection concerns, it is not always in the interest of the child to inform the parents/carer and a report may be made directly to Social Services.

Please be assured that the primary concern will always be in the interest of the child.

The Child Safeguarding Policy can be viewed here.

Operation Encompass

As of 1st October 2019, the school is part of a police safeguarding project called ‘Operation Encompass.’ If police attend a domestic violence incident where children have been present, the school will be informed by 9am the following morning. Please click the link to find out more.


Collecting pupils from school

All foundation pupils must be brought to and from school by a responsible adult (over 18). Pupils in key stage 2 should be brought to and from school by a responsible person of at least 16 years or over. It is for the parent/carer to decide if pupils over the age of 8 are responsible and safe enough to walk to and from school alone. The school will need written permission to indicate this.


Pupils in Foundation Phase (Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2)

All children in foundation phase should be picked up from the school site by a known adult. Our collecting pupils/walking home policy can be found on our school website.


The school must also be informed if someone different comes to collect your child from school. If the school hasn’t had prior information shared, the pupil will be kept with school staff until parents can be contact to confirm who is collecting their child.