Levelled approach behaviour policy appendices (1).pdf
The school council have devised a levelled approach for consistency across the school to support behaviour, however our behaviour policy has not changed and is still based on the positive behaviour approach. There is a clear expectation by all and fairness is paramount when dealing with behaviours. We recognise that there is excellent behaviour across the school and this cannot go unnoticed. We praise this behaviour through notes home, stickers and certificates, stars of the week awards, hot chocolate with the Headteacher, class dojo, Tweets etc.
The school council have devised a levelled approach for consistency across the school to support behaviour, however our behaviour policy has not changed and is still based on the positive behaviour approach. There is a clear expectation by all and fairness is paramount when dealing with behaviours. We recognise that there is excellent behaviour across the school and this cannot go unnoticed. We praise this behaviour through notes home, stickers and certificates, stars of the week awards, hot chocolate with the Headteacher, class dojo, Tweets etc.