Below are some top tips of how you can keep yourself safe when online:
Always use a device with an adult present.
Stay safe and do not give out your personal information to sites/people you don't know.
Never arrange to meet up with people you have spoken to online.
Don't accept any e-mails/online information from people you don't know.
Is the website you're using reliable and has the school promoted it?
Tell an adult if something makes you feel worried or uncomfortable.
Always be respectful to others when working on a shared platform, for example, Google Classroom.- click the posters opposite to find out more!
Please remember that all access to online devices should be supervised at all times by an adult to avoid the pupils gaining or posting inappropriate content. PLease refer also to the 'Esafety Poster page' to help you keep your child safe online .
https://swgfl.org.uk/online-safety/10-online-safety-tips/ 237339d0535f0378c463b3601d6e1ce4.pdf

The school has an E-Safety policy in place and also a scheme of work that is followed to teach the children how to stay safe online.
The school invites P.C Rogers in to talk to parents about protecting their children online. . We invite all parents to attend as we content is relevant to parents of children of all ages.
Nick from the NSPCC also came in to talk to the parents about keeping your child safe online. Please use Net Aware to stay up to date and aware of the social networking sites they may be using.