Year 5
Blwyddyn 5
This term, our topic is Blue Planet!
Seren yr Wythnos!
Seren yr wythnos, yr wythnos yma i Mlwyddyn 5 yw Maddison
for excellent resilience shown in Maths this week.
Class Dojo Champion!
The Class Dojo Champion this week is Maddison.
PE Days
Our PE day is a Tuesday.
Pupils are allowed to wear their PE kit to school. Please can pupils wear appropriate clothing which is suitable for indoors (main hall) and outdoors (the MUGA). We would encourage pupils to wear PE kit that is the same colour as the school uniform.
Gwaith Catref
Homework is given out every Friday and is expected to be returned to school on the Monday.
The homework provided shouldn't require any additional support from parents/guardians, instead it should provide an opportunity for pupils to build upon their knowledge and apply skills they've recently covered in class with their teacher.
Any larger piece of homework/research project will differ as such pieces of work will require additional time. The class teacher will specifically notify the children of this.
Your child has been given a specific reading day that they will need to bring their reading book and record in for. They will then either read with the class teacher or the class teaching assistant.
This designated day has been labelled on the front of your child's reading record.
The importance of reading
There are many little ways to enlarge a child's world. Exposing them to a wide variety of books is one of the best of them all.
I would be very grateful if you could encourage your child to read every night, even if it is as little as 2-3 pages.
Important websites

Our concept this term is...